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DJ MaggotTheory

My first artist interview I've done via text with an artist I greatly revered, who I have great respect for and glad is my friend, Jordan Wilcox aka Slave Apparatus. At the time he was working on his bands debut album Vicodin Dreams. I made no edits or corrections to the original content to keep with the energy and mindset I was in at the time. Reading through this interview, I reflect more than I cringe, which I will be expound more on in another blog post. Arnez, Arnez Renegade Johnson was my artist alias at the time. Without further ado, here we go!


This is an interview that was held last year back for a friend and brilliant musician Jordan aka DJ MaggotTheory and currently lead singer & guitarist of Biophobic. This is my first ever interview and very enjoyable one. As he gives his view on his own music ventures, he's views on other artists, what direction he wants to lean to as a solo artist, to how he handles haters, Jordan comes openly and discreetly with each answer. And behind the mask you understand the truth behind his music. Enjoy.

A - Arnez (Interviewer) / J - Jordan

A: Interview time. ;)

J: Alright. Well if youu wanna interview me go ahead.

A: First off, tell us in your own words what you view Maggot Theory as a whole, and how you want it to be viewed?

J: Ah, MaggotTheory... I use that as my remixing name. I want it to be viewed as a creative yet mysterious music maker. I believe I have only shown my face on my youtube, DJMaggotTheory, once.

A: That's certainly true as there's not any images of you shown on any of your sites. Will you ever be willing to show your face to your fans at large scale?

J: I have several fans as friends on my Facebook. I have some pictures of me up on there. So my face HAS in fact been seen at an average scale.

A: Ok then. So where does the names DJ Maggot Theory, Barbed Wore Romance & Biophobic come about and do they have meaning?

J: MaggotTheory got a DJ before it after my last youtube got banned. BWR is based off Romeo & Juliet (think about it.) and Biophobic = fear of life.

A: Damn, interesting. So what made you want to do music in the first place and what open the doors for you to want or the ability to act on those wants?

J: One remixer inspired me from the minute I heard his material. LPandKT, he's now UnforgettableSound. What really opened the doors was when I first got into guitar.

A: When was this?

J: I've been playing guitar since December 8th, 2007. I got my first guitar a week before my birthday.

A: Cool. What are your influences of your music and as an artist?

J: I'm influenced by a few different styles of music. Linkin Park, Celldweller, Dead Celebrity Status, SlipKnoT, and my friends in Step Zer0, just to name a few.

A: Who's your favorite band?

J: Linkin Park! Always will be.

A:So what main focus of music do you want now for like say the next two years?

J: I can never set goals for myself. If I knew I was going to have the following I have, I would've started music sooner.

A: What was your reaction to the following you was getting?

J: After a few hit remixes came out with VERY positive reviews I just had to sit back and say "What the hell am I doing and why are people loving it so much?!" it was crazy.

A: Cool. What's the special moment of your music career so far?

J: A special moment... Every single comment I get on YouTube is special enough for me.

A: Cool. What do you think about the status of music as a whole? And do you see any things that needs to improve?

J: Music is dying off... Terrible artists nowadays making $$$ off their abilities to fake it with a computer.

A: Why such a grim look?

J: Don't get me started. I'll give you a rhyme of the artists in question: Mustin Gieber. Fady Haga. What rhymes with Ke$ha?

A: Ok then. what is your plan so far as creating tracks?

J: I'm working on tracks with some friends of mine. People will love them. So far, they're very relatable to other people's problems.

A: Tell us about your mask.

J: It's my "New Face". I wrote once that if I have tape over my mouth, I still have a voice. I can't be silenced.

A: Nice. So where do you get inspiration for your lyrics?

J: Listening to other artists, the news, and living my life as I should.

A: How do you view life as a whole?

J:. Mine? Or the concept of "Life"?

A: Both.

J: My life has had lots of ups and downs. I have a life full of regrets. Doesn't everybody? But life in general should be cherished with someone.

A: Ok. Do you enjoy chatting on networking sites?

J: Yeah. I chat with people through YouTube messages, MySpace, Facebook, and Twitter.

A: How's the interaction with fans?

J: I've got some loyal fans. Some call me by name. I earned a lot of cool friends from my music. And I'll never forget the ones who have had my back since day 1.

A: If you had no fans, would you still be making music?

J: Probably.

A: how do feel being interviewed?

J: It's different to say the least.

A: How so?

J: It's a first time really.

A: True. So how did NEW FACE came about and is it mainly refering to just to your new mask because the lyrics seem to have another deeper meaning to them?

J: Ah, the lyrics... They're taken from various stages of my life. Lots of hatred towards certain people...

A: So this is a personally emotional song?

J: I'd like to say so.

A: How do you come up with ideas for your music?

J: Just by writing poems. Then i think of a hook, and then instruments.

A: So it was more natural for you to semi-talk in NEW FACE rather then singing, itz more poetic speaking?

J: EXACTLY! You're the first to understand why I did that!

ARNEZ - Side Comment: Maybe it's because I'm an amazing poet myself. I now understand why people relate it to Slipknot because alot didn't acknowledge the fact he was moreover rapping or just straight talking in songs. Deftones did that too in there early years (e.g. 7 Words).

A: So what's your worst expierence with your own music?

J: Getting negative comments. It sucks...

A: What's your worst comment and how it make you feel?

J: Some punk told me i oughta hang myself. I disregarded the hatred, but stuff like that sticks with me, ya know?

A: Yeah but that's cold for real. How do you handle haters, negative responses by critics and deal with that kinda negativity?

J: I delete their posts on my videos.

A: Any wise words to any aspiring musicians out there reading now?

J: Keep trying like I am. We can reach the top together!

A: Ok that seems to cover all questions. Thanx again for your precious time, and hope to interview you again. By the way to all who don't know,check out his new single NEW FACE on youtube.

Youtube- DJMaggotTheory, BarbedWireRomance1 & Biophobic.

Twitter- MaggotTheory.

Main Webpage-

Thank you again for this time man and catch you on the flipside.

Notes: This would be my very first interview and I didn't write down questions, I basically just thought them up as I went along. This isn't good because it could mess up the structure of the interview but I handled it very cohesively. It was fun this interview and I intend to interview Maggot Theory once again. My only major problem and personal reget was I didn't get the interview finished fast enough and over months to finally get it released to the public, very incovient and discouraging for both of us. This was due to my own personal problems that affected everything I did especially musically (explains in part why you haven't even heard any of my music yet), though Jordan understood and was gracious about this, it is very unprofessional and I aim to never do it again. So this is my advice to anyone when you are doing anything stay on task, don't quit even when the rain is rough, and no procrastination or no one will hire you no matter how well you are good at your job. As of now since I did this interview he is now focusing on his rock outfit Biophobic and has released two singles: New Face (Video/Mp3 Download: & I'm Here (Video/Mp3 Download: from the upcoming debut album Vicodin Dreams due sometime between April & mid-summer of this year. He has also released a chuck full DJ Mixtapes that have all given some great reviews, youtube thumbs up and positive feedback from a growing fanbase. His latest mixtape "Linkin Park - The Catalyst (DJMaggotTheory Remix)" (Download: and has gotten awesome responses from people and keeps growing. He's official website is, where you can connect with other fans of the music, also holds a forum, soon to come shop on Biophobic & MaggotTheory items and many more great stuff. He's "Expiermental" project that led him to start his own solo career Barbed Wire Romance ( is the 1st indication of his sound to make the tracks that would pile to make what is Vicodin Dreams. If you have any musical inquiries you can email him at, or hit him up on his twitter @MaggotTheory, also give a follow. His main youtube account where you can checkout a long catalogue of his famous remixes of many great songs by the likes of Linkin Park, Step Zero, Hollywood Undead, even Lil Wayne. And last but not least besides his official website you can hear new music from Biophobic at Thank you for checking out my interview and be sure to lookout for my next interview with 847's own Jimmy Futon due out soon. Future interviews will include such as Global Graffiti, ABiCA & one day hopefully Deuce. I also do album reviews as well, so if you want your next record reviewed throughly and honestly hit me up. You can email me at, or tweet me @RenegadeJohnson.
And that concludes this interview, can't wait for Vicodin Dreams to hit stores, I know it's gone be a Nuclear Bomb when it drops. Deuces & Kisses
Renegade Johnson/Night Ridahz


It's safe to say this interview was done at least 12 years ago, and he and I have both changed while some things have remained the same. In his own change, he realized that Vicodin Dreams was not the best reflection of who he was as an artist. So he removed the album and all traces he had from the web. However, I was able to find one of my favorite songs on YouTube when researching for this rereleased interview. (Don't kill me Jordan, lol) But honor of his change, here is a song of his that showcases his artistry most current, alongside the artist he was. Thank you for reading this, and enjoy the music.




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