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NuThoughts (Daily Verse)

You're as free as the mind you keep

New thoughts come about when surpassing peaks

New goal for myself is to master peace

I'm a work in progress yet a masterpiece

Trade wasting my time for taking my time

Used to walk solo(w), now I walk with my pride

Growing grateful for moments I been granted thus far

Not where I wanna be, but I've come this far

Thinking on what could've been, I gotta rejoice

Still hurts my heart to remember Aunt Joyce

Learning you died had me drowning in tears

The last time we talked our connection was clear

She's the reason that I listen to the Jazz Matazz

Had she heard me rap she'd say "Nephew, you spazzed!"

Don't believe in Heaven, only Heaven's on Earth

So, I'm spelling out my blessings by reversing my curse


NuThoughts (Daily Verse) by SoL

Performance was STAYonLIT

Lyrics were Composed in SoL

Published via Embold with SoL

Written to New Thoughts by DXEM

Mural Art by Jardani Wise / Additional Art Graphics by SoL
Mural Art by Jardani Wise / Additional Art Graphics by SoL


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