Dear Steven,
Thank you for continuously being in my corner. I know I have been neglecting you, and I'm sorry. The shame I feel from past traumas both received and given keep me from seeing my true self. But despite that, you still look at me with those innocent eyes, believing in me. Holding out your hand to mine, asking for reciprocation. I decided to hold it...I started to look away when I felt the shame circulating in me. Then, I decided to look you way, feel the shame, and hold myself together in spite of it. You grip my hand, I grip yours, and strength and reassurance counter balanced the shame. Knowing I'm not perfect, but worthy. Thank you for not giving up on me, I won't give up on you. And when I fall, I'll look to you. When I can't, please don't give up reminding me to see me, through you. I Love You, & remember...STAYonLIT.
Cincerely, SoL
Composed in SoL
Wednesday, September 11th, 2024