[Originally Published on Facebook on Monday, October 30th, 2023]

Last night when I was at an open mic downtown with two other poetry friends, I was confronted by one of the features of that open mic by the name of Calla Thomas. She said she was very upset with me because I recommended her to go to Somerset Open Mic earlier this year if she was looking for more open mics. By her claims, very loudly to where everyone in the room was looking at us both, Siri Imani who curated the open mic had raped her and said that I knew about it. I've only met this woman once, and that was the day I featured at the same open mic with Nick Fury (I'm mentioning him because this is important later). The only conversation we've had up to that point was three. The first was me helping her getting to open mics after I heard her perform, the second via text of what next open mic to go to, and when I saw her yesterday where she pointed her witch wand in my face asking me some weird voodoo nonsense.
So, my response was very sternly and with obvious annoyance "I don't know what you are what you're talking about." Because I truly don't, and the fact you coming at me like this out of nowhere before your first greeting of me is pointing something in my face, yes. That's the response and energy you getting from me. She tells me "Everyone knows about it!" I said "I didn't." And after cutting her angry rambling short she asks me if I was on a slam team with Nick Fury. An obvious NO comes out my mouth. She then apologizes, but then continues to accuse me of knowing about her rape situation and that I was trying to set her up. Eventually realizing she was not going to get her way with me she proceeds to say she feels like I am lying to her but she was going to try to let it go, though I was really testing her like she ain't no witch.
During the open mic she was staring at me, and my two poetry friends the entire time waving her wand around, having rants to herself, and others, that everyone can hear during people's readings. One particular time while I notice she was looking at me she specifically said "let you come to this stage, I'mma beat your ass." Unsure if she was talking to/about me or someone else in her head, but immediately I am on guard. I still performed on stage for the open mic along with my friends and everyone who came to read but the vibe was certainly off due to her presence. Even while a poet I know who was gracious the whole time of her ranting who proceeded to perform a poem of peace, Calla Thomas said before she even started her poem "That's a white bitch."
Fast-forward after the open mic, me and my friends went to Nostalgia to see the rest of the poetry event happening that night. Only to find Calla Thomas was in the crowd creepily coming towards us. She by passed me straight to one of my friends who performed at the previous open mic and asked her harshly "Was that piece you did about me?" The poem had nothing to do with her or any particular person, she was itchin' for an issue. Luckily, she was escorted out of the building when she tried to get on the poetry performance list.
I don't know how much has been spoken publicly about Calla Thomas, but from what I gather she is a schizophrenic who continuously gets a 3 day hold, then is released. She is in an unstable manic episode, and seems to have a fixation with rape and/or being victim to someone who she deems is antagonizing her. She has verbally assulted Duwaup, slapped Nick Fury in the face, and has stalked Siri Imani. She is essentially blacklisted from most poetry settings, and from what I've skimmed through on her live videos she is willing to cause harm to anyone if necessary. I'm glad that things turned out as smooth as they could have last night, but I was not feeling safe that night. Not for me, but for the people around me. If you see this woman, you're best option is to not engage and walk away. If you see her at your events, have her immediately escorted from the building. If she is not removed, leave. She has no rationale, and dearly needs help. Be safe y'all. I come to poetry open mics to enjoy myself with a community that has been as supportive of me as I am to them, I though my heart feels for her, I have zero tolerance for that kind of energy. IT HAS NO PLACE HERE, PERIOD.